Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)

Sift Srlbuut July 28, 1979 A-13 i OUDSGQE) i SATURDAY 100. Rosalind Ruuell, Fred MacMurray. The Athlete btp tt daw wwo1 Smith. Go Smith, Guy Mooty Pythoo'i Flying Clrrss Network News Two Resales 0 Footsteps 1:30 P.M. Film Feitlval Nashville an the Read Cl Greatest Sports Legeed OThaAdvecatet lo lb.

science fiction, Movie "Beguiled" 1971, western, until 1:19. Clint BBexde Mexico 10PJA SO Ricardo Mootalboa 99 Lacol News Presents: The Beat of Cllleollaw Spulsh Films j. a Kuyertrala Where Have Yu Been, Billy Tbs Mesicef John When a young man finds McEaen A Friends -r'- himself aircstcd for a police Movie I Love My Wife" mans murder during an 1970, cwnedy, until 16.00. EH anti-nuclear power demon-Uol Gould, Brenda Vaccuro, etration, ho escapes on tho Angel Tompkins. Supertraln, committing a Spartacade 79 serluo of blsaire errors.

Hue AU CrwUsrea Great McClunuhan, Barry Gordon. Nmi (nm Orman, KmaU -r OBI Futasy Island A HmliUYawMmnh UBProTeulo tired race car. driver wants Marie et of tho Apes" 1970, vricnct Storhord Choulag lo fiction, unUI Jimea Jut Prieoda Romanco "bw Jirwllnary FrancIscw Klm Hunte" rlkea as Coral deala with ChrWophor George, MaurlcoEvans CharlumvMMwe tat domlMting OUAA. OVIewpolat ONovo gDCIraeep II OiFlebro MCwnicoset Aocise Eastwood, Gornldino Page, Elisabeth Hartman. Jo Ann Hurrls, Darlccn Carr.

Movie "Mutiny on the Boonty" 1939. ndwnlure, until 3:10. Clark Gablo. Churhw 'Laughton, Franchot Tone, Donald Crisp. (IS rhmMj Movie 'The Monster A the Girl" 1941, mystery bor- ror, until ElUm brow, Paul Lukas.

IB Movie 1971 rnysUw, UMil 1:19. 0 son Wolkw, Itanela Franklin. 11I4SF.M. 'The Monster v-V OllnTpfnln Moon" I960, 'until 1 PJA.V- BMevIe Equinox" 1971, science fiction, until 4:00. Edward Connell, Barbara UcwIttC 1 OOUAA.

Highlights from Springs, Gefo OSeieevIda College Bawl NerthSouth Ftnals QWbe, What, flow De You SKsitow--- MDemoa Gloria a Woo Tarsaa B80PJA. Vferatlooe Miners Ou the Universe Pop Gees the Country Big Bine Marble IBDcshpdallomaI JPJA. OHetHawHoaeya OBoffHoaso TMn Week In David Boaaklad That Good Ole Nashville CD Wild Wild West QBLsctaosPatlan flSEcssdslaspIrsctoi Bicycle MotoCTees Rochtg Mevte CaU Me Mister15 1981, musical untU 9:01 Dm) Daltoy, Betty Grabto, Damy lombcr-ond Busan's neigh CSFrootalExposuro -N Movie untight In AW Icnel until 11:90. Bobby Durln, Emily blflnnnMul NldSCn. of fashion designs.

Robert 7Mnu.ning Of News Lnint 'I' PJA. Sword of Jusilco "Deadly Fashion," Doctor and bin glrlft Ctrcss UB James MIchrarrY World MORNING 7i30 AJYL OOQFostasttoFeer Villa Alegra OOB FWjtface Fatter 8 El Amaaecer AM. f) Vofce el Airicsltsre OOQGodzUla Super 99 OBPopeyellei Sesame Street OBBChaUenieofthe Sepcrfrlcnda. OMMer Regers- uuPTLClub Movie "It Can be Dona 1974, drama, until 10:00. Jack Palanco, Bud Spencer.

MB Hot Fudge BtlO AJYL America's Black Forum Ottace Upas a ho Best of the 799 Ouba 8 Music 4 9 A.M. Asians Nowl OBBopBi ler Show Humeri Cmsomer Swrival KM no Ea lo Bahia im World of Survival PtSOAJR. RevlsU de Is Bemau (lOODoffy Dock James MIcbeoerY World ScadbyY AlMMano aUcsamcSlNel no La Vae De La Comunldad HStapcrmas 10 AM. Our Meo hi Um Capitol New Fred A Baraey Shew Flliteloaes El Slwwde Walter Mercado MCtawdelSatada ou Movie Desert Warrior" i960, adventure, until 11 Ri-curdo Montaltan, Anna Marla Fcrrora. MGettlnOver US Superman KMOAJH.

OWerM Tomorrow -OOQtfce Jetaoos Tamm A the Super BBIII Moyers' Jos real BBT I Bigfsst A Wlldbsy Here's Year Health Image in Soccer Made In Germany Violent Road1 Movie 1998, drama, until 1:10. Brian Keith. Dick Finn; Efrem Zlmbaltst Jr BNFLi Great TeomsAireot Yura StRtUsu 50 Voids la 51 American Aagler IB Project Universe Tho Racers Maria "Treasure Galleon" 1979,. until A90. Family Affair 'M Challesss Matck Fbddag igiMsvls "Hold That Lina" 1991 comedy, until 1:00, Leo Garccy, Hums Ha ll Bowery Boys, John Bromflold, Veda Amt Borg, IB Prq)ect Universt 8FJ4L Movie "Cops A Robbers" 1979, comedy, until 7:00.

Cliff Gorman, Joaeph Brio gnu, aLscslNcwa Dolly IB Soccer Mata la QIBSmi Germany May to. "Tries of Vln- II Rathbons, Debra Paget, Magrio Pierce, Leona Gaga, DovldF Franktam. OTonubost 8 Get Smart a Germany Good News IB Moris Certain Feel' lng" 1691 eomedy, until 7dK Bub SiSOFJyL ,8 BB Local News Network News Pap Goes the For a Moment Yea The Big Apple drees Ratos Yoons Peeple'i Special 8f PhU SUven Shew BTurnsbetl Thomas. Date Robertson, rent Price, PetoOorm. 1961 horror, until 9:36.

CD Bmebalk As -AH New Pink Fulher Show Pro Trails (SPECIAL) Tho Lmteyllto International Clamlc, features such nettere John Alexander, Sherwood, Btcwart, Marty Raiiacn.v aUu Perm Aa Aaatecreary j-v. MUotaruay Monriag OOO Major Leans i Baseball Gams-eMte-Week Soil Train -W Crockett's Victory Garden OB American BUttle Rascal BLnckaUbra h. m4. I Si: fAFTERNOONl NOON BOSaacaAeidem The Long Search BResomeadala BOXlM if HTtaFaurih Square SBMookoM Si Movie Turun'a Dasert Myitey 1949. advanture, IB Art Anmrieo A IBiBOPJH.

5 OMovIo Enter the Devil" 1971, horror, until 100. Fnt AWert A the Cathy Kida (SPECIAL) Uvoeeveraie of the AFC-NFC IUN ef Fame game between Dallas Cawtays and Oakland Raiders, from Css tea, Ohio. BB Movie "Abbott A Costello Meet the Invisible Man" 1991, comedy, until 3:01 If Art America IPJM. 63 City Kids Previn A the Pittsburgh Great Performances Ark II (HI Fntbol Inlenacleta! Roller Derby -B Movie "Flight for. Free udvot dam" 1941 advonturo, until Polges where let Carl know be pital but Sarah urges Luke, Medicine begins Coin EDGE Calvin crippled.

His tlon that country. love faces Lnggla. CD Movie "The Wllby Cun splrscy" 1979, drama, until 11:00. Sidney Poltler, Mi-chucl Chine, Nlcol Gee, Juscph De Graf. aaBsmmrrfest 79 "The Paul Taylor Dunce Company." In a performance aired from the American Dance Festival In Durham, N.C., Ito Paul Taylor Dunce Compuny a wort premieres "Proflten, commissioned by tho Festival and accompanied by Jun Redsynshrs original score.

BBBLovS Boat Guest passengers Include Anne Mourn, Jerry Stiller, Craig StOvena, Katy Kurtsman, Corey Feldman, Cyd Chur-Isos and Ctara Gti Local Nrws The Mustoef Norton Baffnlo A the Stampede Mtaturdty Shewense VtOSPJM. BBTrinpope-- BtSOFJM. Leve, American Style "Love A jho. "Love A tho Advteo Givers A landlord who Is apparently i vampire disturbs honeymoon couple upending the night In an old noiiso. while Mel Is advised lo ask for a divorce, his wlfs it advbwd to agree to anything Mel wanta.

Judy Curno, Tiny Tim, Robert Reed, Lea Crane, Tina Louisa, Aldo Kay, Avery Bchrolbor. I Secrets et lef the Deep ainteltlee 8 Voyegrto the Botlonntt- the See "Secret of the Deep." i td do-. The Seuvlew'u mission stray sen lub that threutens the world almost ends In disaster. Mark. Rickman.

i'i .1., (.. Movie "The Lost Conti pent" 1961 sdvonturs, until 8:61 Eric Porter, Hlldegarta Kneff, Suianm Leigh. -B Mavis "The Three Meet Hercules" 1961 untttSiSOrlliree Stooges, iRetak- tokl Trlckett, Quinn er. Son Jons Eorthquskes Soccer HKeepItRnaalog MOFJfk ORonScbmechYEuy Uvia' Country Sporte Spectacular Movie ig of Llgeta" 1991 horrorr until 9:01 Vincent Price, Elisabeth Shop- aRecardaiido A Los QTfBej BSuperbewIXUI BTtaOntdoersmu 10i30 F.M. OThe Umpire Movement (SPECIAL) Ilosplcei a new.

In treating tho ter-111. In dlscusHCd with I'Hliam Lamersi Founder of Hospice In Marin and filmed Interviews with two terminally 111 patients currently under Hospice Cure. BMI Duhw Char Ills Hogan's Heroes "1 Leek Better in Basic Three Amorlcan girls are Interned at Stulag 11 and Hogan, nets out to.dlacovcr who. they are and how they, fell Into German hands. 'M During Disco 11 PM, ID Movie Devil's Own" 1967, horror, until I.

-01 Juan Fontaine, Alec McCowun, Kay Welsh. 0000008 -BLecsINews- Best of Chvetl 68 Japanese News Movie "Tho 1966, animated comedy, until 1:01 Ray Jack GU- ford, Margaret Hamilton, PUUl Q'KeCfO. MCHnedyShep (HI Movie "Buttlo Ip Outer until 1:00. Ryu Ikcta, Kyuko AnuxL 64 Movie "The Lust llullduy" 1949, comedy, until 13:30. -Alec Guinness, Kay Walsh.

11i16F.NL Mastoal Variety Hour l1i30FJA. OOO Saturday Night Live ie Skur Movie 1971 adventure, until 1: Susan Clark, Buit Kcynulds, i Movie FlrecreekMOM, western, until 1:49. James Stewart, Henry Fonda, Inger Stevens. I Movie "The Nuked Jun gteH' l994, drama, until HI' Charlton Heston, Eleanor Parker. j.

MIDNIOHT OThe Music of Norton Buffalo A the Stampede SBAmapula i 12130 A.M. 8B Praise the Lard 1A.M.r OMuvIe "Sen A-the 8lngto 1964, comedy, until 3:00. Tony Curtiu. Natalie Lauren Bacall, Mel Ferrer, Hanry Funds. BJekeBux Juke-Box Movie on Devil's Island" 1997, mystery, until 1:00.

Helmut William Talmun. -M Movie "The Flim-Flam Man? 1967, conudy, until 3:44. George CV Scott, Sue Lyon, Michael Surrasin. IiIIAJW. MBoxIng- liBOAJM.

Kicks 1 pRockGMcert- 1:35 AJM, Movie "The Pajama Game" musical, until 140. Doris Duy, John KalU, Eddlt Foy Jr, op Prayer pHBBBBMHMBHBBMa 1 Qpp I 5 I Wlh This Coupon CAR WASH. I MR. CLEAN I CARWASH N. GMNO i I OFF SMI PABUS AVENUE I I Phono 132-3737 i OPEN OAN.V IM i supply sinoc; 1960.

rr'i -i vJi '--'J :) Y' V-: W'm i 1- sjoap opera revieiv Heston; Victor Buona Emergency! 63 Washlngtao Week in Review Prime Time Hr rf 4t30PJA. ODoBy -rLtj-. MVaytoty OOBBLecalNews OMAaothert MIU.UM 8S America After Vietnam 8B Wall ftreet Week FFtMl OO Baseball Baa Fraaclaca Giants at Boa Meg WUd Kingdom OB Lawrence Wrik OPoWsrt OBay8ceao7 Buck Tulip Family. Find 0) Coasamier Bsyllae 8f Of Tima, Tomb A 82 Bill Moyers' Journal SB Movie There Wan Crooked. Mon" 1971 drama, until 9:00.

Kirk Dougina, "Henry Fonda, Burgess BAtam19 BStnrSeeesr FiSOPJM. 91.91 Beauty Show Nome That Tune GD Match Game ID Live Wire BB TUdty at the Races WDickVssDyke' HertY to Year Health pjm. a chips BO Bod News Beers Meeting nf Minds OBB BattlesUr Gslsctkn Royal Heritage life. Snapper openly Greg Impond- MY (CHILDREN! Line gives $plly diamond pendant But she decides to return the gift Coming back to Pins Valley, Claudette discovert Eddie has taken her Job as Chateau manager. insists she Is fine; Mike, fears may have a serious ailment Maggie Creta to get more out of life.

wowed by Missy's sexy song at the Man, makes love to her. Nola plan to become the next Mrs. Wakefield. OF NIG1IT: Calvin shot when In an attempt to forestall her friends show up at restaurant Steve claimed to be taking her. und but Is survives the bullet wound vpus with 8tu Richmond, the Adonis advertising agent.

Erica feigns a broken ankle but Stu arrives at her apartment With Stu almost mauling Ertca on the bcdrTom walks In. Erica, decides to chooie Tom over her modeling career. Ponna trios to brlnig Estelle and Ben- malls Adam Into not telling Jenny about Brads Involvement In San Carloe. Carla refuses to have sex with Jack unloss they ere married, while Jack calls her stand Victorian and Impossible. Larry wants to reconcile with Karen but she turns him down to save Ms chlef-of -staff RYANS HOPEs Rae asks Polly to help her get rid of Sam's body.

Polly does so and. Rae breathes a sigh of re-' lleL Frank learas about Raes part In bringing Jill and Seneca together. Roger feeling neglected because Dee continues to concentrate on breaking up Pet and Nancy, Mary promlsos Jack sha RrlU tell Thatcher she can no longer continue her Washington assignment because It Js creating problems in her marriage. Roger agrees to Dellas request. that Dr, Adam Cohen be assigned to Dave Feld Brian considers Job with foreign service.

ny together after he becomes engaged to Edffa, but I the plan falls when Billy Clyde arrives on the scene. Palmier tries to convince Nina that Cliff Is a fortune stepfather Owen pleased at would take Brian out of the Steve suspects Brian may be In with his. stepsister Paige. Paige danger from her and at home. While vacationing, Raven makes'.

It with Eliot Jiunter. Frank plans to Beneath the rugged canyons northeast of Santa Rosa, man's cast so ha can get close to Nancy to. Faith ihopesJo is- his father, regardless of Nancys Irishes. 'ANOTHER WORLDi Rachel suffer" Idg from hypertension. Telling Jamie he and'Rachm may divorce, Mac assures him hell always consider him a son.

Learning Dennis and Elena were lovers, Cecllle says she will never see him Ilcne refuses to see Joey even though GENERAL HOSPITAL With tape- recorded evidence In hand Joe and Anne convince Peter that Heather was behind Diana's problems. Finding PJ.s missing birth certificate and a threatening letter In her dresser, Jeff Is also onto California lies an increasingly important source of energy 1 rtMAfUsuwi wi 1 4rann Mivaa wismwx MAif9rtl Oncc of natural geothermal steam; morc a curiosity than a resource, geothermal steam has been unknown SEARCH VoR TOMORROW: In New Orleans, Sunny has Helehe read her tarot cords. The stunnod fortune teller fa In final attempt to drive Diana mad Heather, laces tea with LSD pro- to many a part, of California's encrgy Today, more, than 600,000 kHowatts ESS -i curcd Lury Jo Wh0 P-J- Innocent-m 7 witches glasses. Heather gets can always move Ijwlth btf.Xany on hallucinogenic and begins endless trip. Thugs wi she Is pregnant and won-.

Atom and shackled, Llxa terrified dors if she snBuld tell Rick or Alan. a snake, starts to crawl. on her. continues to pressure Jessie about mar-; Just as the animal prepares to strike, a rlage. Turning to a new position of hon- drunkcij Nick enters end kills IL Refeas-.

esty, Bobbt fells Roy she's not euro of lng Llxa and comforting her, Nick then her feelings for him. trios to rape her. Striking Nick, Use i.iO bis 'gun and the keys to. run the Larry Joe leaves Hearing -lW boat f-; vtaped conversation betweepiffeather and thhrtood to recovj kidnap and bqi etaBpe. AS THE WORLD TURNS: On their anniversary Ian insists on taking Dana tedlimer.

Due to a mix-up with their shopping bags, Nancy and lan meet Val discharged from boapltoL Lisa delighted when her son Tom returns from betweeaffeat the devil In her reading and makes ny leave. Tying Llxa to the of electricity are generated from The Gcysers' stcam reservoirs in Sonoma -and Lake Counties. Ibnight at 10:00 p.m. on Channel 32, yfbii can learn' more about our least known energy source and its sFrcriuwd'aiHlsixsiMjnxliqr' Nulouiue Company and ItsTIwnnul rtmwrCQiiiniiny subsidiary, lorliilonnulkm about iIwunoU this lilm, plume wrltv: PuMli: Ki'fuilui IX'pl. 601 Culifurnlu Sin Sun Irundkou CA 94108 i.

c-f of elec f. talks Alec Into taking leave of q'" incorrectly ring toieava toleava Larry Joe. Anne Heather wa was of resigning as Alec pre pores to leave for South American medi cal post. No longer fearful, of bringing bad luck to those who love her, Kate to have Val adopt r. believes When Nick comes to, Llxa holds gtin Jeff for a on him but he fells her' It's useless be-him.

Although stobeUeves Rick Is the: cause the saf etylson, and th takes father, Monica telle Afen theyTe having from her. Returning ra-a I "hv, -a veals her pregnancy to Ted who says she muMt tot Abortion bocouw on unwod GUIDING LIGHT: Gordon curious pregnant 'daughter might cost him the when he flnds.LV. set up In Alan's new- campaign. ly-purchased Santa Lucia home. When SSltaStaAtaaetaridS Ktfi1 YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS: tajuMawUh Alan Wbon 8tuart chokes on chicken bone, Jill Hope will return later; Alan has midnight meeting with Dr.

Morlno and says be wants everything to be over with as soon as possible. Jacqule Intends to tell Alan be must fire. Diane. phone Instruction on how to perform a track acheotomy. While Stuarts life has been saved, he may have brain damage because of lock of oxygen.

Living with Elisabeth, Kaye learning dis 1 Don, returns to law office, Macir to be overjoyed. Ralph we Mary really loves Donald and not him. Bennett asks Lisa to marry him. Un- friendly sparks fly when Barbara and Tn get together. t-V DAYS OF OUR LIVES In Paris, Mr.

Carmichael Doug's double, learns about Dong's past' from Steve. IR The terminally- to teed simple posed about lng wedding. Casey dreams of having Intimate relations wjtb Brock. Rose fol- In' prison Holly Innocently involved In kitchen scuffle that sends her cellmate Clara to prison Infirmary with stab wound. Peter, now working one dsy a week at prison hospital hopes to bo closer to Holly.

Carmfehael seems overjoyed and i Steve If be may keep a picture of Doug. Julie returns to Salem and asks ran the shop. Deciding not to Phvll thlKMary out of suing Chris. Greg In- divorce Nell Phyllis wants Martens to ng lowing Chris. Lucas' continuous Jealousy of Lance undermining Ms marriage to Lesley.

forme Amanda the only way hell ever On her birthday Christina tells Adam she misses and wants to see Roger. In New York, Mark discovers Katy playing children's character. rmiirvi playing and si plans by Kay Jill unable to Pfetnree and Kaye falling down, strange music shadows in the night are to drive Suzanne mad. accept Laurie's gratitude for her saving Stuart's life. agree to a divorce is If they hive a one-year reconciliation.

boCTORS Suffering a dizzy spell in the elevator, Sarah is rushed to the bos- ONE LIFE TO LIVE: Bred black- -V 4.

Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.